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About SBI
     Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, one of the oldest crop research institutes in the world was established in 1912, to evolve superior varieties of sugarcane to cater to the needs of the various agro climatic zones in the country. The Institute is located at Coimbatore (77 oE longitude and 11 oN latitude) in Southern India on the leeward side of Western Ghats at 427 metres above mean sea level and receives an annual average rainfall of 800 mm, bulk of it during the months of October-December. The maximum and minimum temperatures range from 35.2 oC to 21.7 oC respectively.
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About CaneInfo Project
      CaneInfo is the culmination of a two-year research project entitled, "Developing a user-centered website on sugarcane production technologies". About 35 million farmers grow and depend on sugarcane for their livelihood in India and there is an urgent need to provide objective and research-based information in time to assist these farmers and the extension agents in making informed decisions. Research institutes that offer online cane related information, are however, rare. Though used to a minimum at present, information technology is sure to play a major role in farming in the near future.

       This has prompted the Sugarcane research and extension system in India, which was mostly print focused in nature, to shift to ‘access’ technologies, one of which is CaneInfo, you are browsing now...
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Supported by DSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India